*Instructions for W372 Testimony Competition!
All entries to be written in this format
Part 1 - How was I like before I recieved Jesus?
Part 2 - How was I saved?
Part 3 - How have Jesus changed me?
Word limit: Strictly NOT MORE THAN 500 words.
(Write what is really important. Be precise, be direct, be easy to understand. BE A MAN, DO THE RIGHT THING.)
Marking Citeria: Language (grammer, vocabulary) 30% + Content (Easy to understand, precise) 70%
Judges: Benjamin and Desmond
Last Day of Entry: 1st April 2006
Release of results: Easter Day 2006.
Judges decisions are final.
All entries will be posted on
Easter Day as a testimony to share of God's goodness in our lives. Don't miss this chance to testify for Jesus and tell your story to the world!
Prizes will also be given for the
best 2 entries!
Hurry! Send in your testimonies to
medi_jamin@yahoo.co.uk !